Happy Halloween everyone!!!
Feel free to stop by our house, we have lots of candy to give away!

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Mount Royal College Cougars girls soccer team won the ACAC Championship Final against Concordia Thunder.
Above you can see #2 Kim Kuiper, of Mount Royal Cougars, scoring the only goal of the game at the end of the second half.

Tonight we did our family traditional pumpkin carving (my pumkin, actually mine is a squash, is the tall and skinny one).

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I did some photographs for Intramural Sports, an organized recreational sport league program.

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Tonight was a home game opener for the Mount Royal College Cougars basketball teams against Madicine Hat Rattlers. Boys dominated the game and won 97-48. Girls won 79-45.

68%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

I found a little test today, where I found out I'm 68% addicted to blogging. I guess I'm not as addicted as some people out there.

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Prints Charming, a custom picture framing and fine art poster store. A couple of days ago I had a job to photograph the interior of the store and this evening I finished up the job with a couple of shots on the outside.

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Its been a busy/stressful evening for me. I had to take a team photo of the hockey team and a portrait shot of two hockey players for the cover of a guide. I only had 15 min on the ice time dedicated for the team photo so I had to work fast, but the team was much bigger than I anticipated. We didn't have enough benches, so we had to move to the side of the rink and try to form 4 rows, using boards, instead of the usual 3 rows. In the process my light stand was dropped, light was smashed, umbrella was broken, and my hood on the strobe was bent. All and all, not my best team photo but with the time line and with all what was happening it will have to do.
Portraits got moved to a later time because of a delay and couple of unscheduled shots so I only had a chance to take one shot with one pose... here is what I ended up with.

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Mount Royal College girls volleyball action.

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I had to take some photographs to show off the interior of the Prints Charming, a custom picture framing and fine art poster store (1409 - 11 St SW, Calgary) today. Please visit their web page if you would like to find out a little more information about the store.

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Mount Royal College Cougars against NAIT Ooks. MRC won 4-2.

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Shot some badminton action at Mount Royal College this evening. It was hard to photograph just a practice and not a tournament or an actual game, but I think I got a few good shots.

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It's my birthday today, and what am I doing? Working! Which isn't a bad thing by any means :) Today I had to take some shots for the cover of a magazine at Mount Royal College. I still have to do a couple more shots, but these are the 2 I liked. It didn't all go very smoothly, I was panicking for a bit, I had to fight the light for about 20-30 min before I got the white balance right and all the other details

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I spent my day at the Prince's Island Park photographing models for their portfolios. The weather was great and I had lots of fun.

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Very busy day for me. I spent my day at Mount Royal College today, five games in total.

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Winter is fast approaching so I decided to take a couple of shots of our deck. If you go back to May 6 in my blog you will see what it started as. It's still far from being finished but at least I can have people over for a BBQ once in awhile.

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