(SHOWING RESULTS 131 - 140 OF 179)

DAY 7: Today we rode for 547km... We drove a good distance today and right now we are just a little less than an hour away from LA.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000

When you see something nice sometimes it is not very easy to capture it on camera. Trying to add a scooter in the right place so that the photo would still look good can be pretty hard. If you manage to do that, you may have to deal with a bunch of tourists who would also like to take a photo of the same beautiful place :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/4000

Driving in the fog is not very fun, have to clean my visor all the time and can't really see all the beautiful scenery around us. Still had a great ride on all the twisty roads :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 200, F 5.6, 1/1250
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/4000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
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2010-09-10 10:24 Sergei Belski: Thank you! How far I wanted to go was Cancun... but unfortunately I don't have much time.. so only going there for a couple of hours :)
2010-09-05 11:16 Art Yochim: This is awesome! I really enjoy your updates Sergei. How far into Mexico will you be going?
2010-09-05 08:03 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much Svetlana!
2010-09-05 07:17 Svetlana: awesome photos and awesome adventure, guys!!! hugs, Svetlana

DAY 6: Today we rode for 183km... We basically spent most of our day browsing around. Unfortunately we didn't get to see Alcatraz, everything was booked for the next couple of days :( Its amazing how many scooters are in San Francisco, especially Vespas! I drove around the city trying to take some photos to show how steep the roads are but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't park my scooter without risking it falling over. I don't know how people park here :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1600
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/500
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/500

On our way out of San Francisco it was very cold and very foggy. I don't know how they do it... I'm cold wearing two sweaters and these guys are surfing, where do they think they are, Hawaii?

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/400
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/640
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 400, F 5.6, 1/60
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2010-09-04 10:03 Maple: LOVE the Canadian flag you have on Vespa!!!

DAY 5: Today we rode for 340km... Not many kilometres but we made it to San Francisco and we are having fun! Tomorrow the plan is to visit Alcatraz and to spend some more time around San Francisco :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500

Well... it finally happened.. I dropped my scooter :( I was stopping to take a photo and the bike fell on the gravel. Bike has a big dent and some scratches, I'm fine but the bike landed on my foot and my foot is pretty sore. A day ago I lost an exhaust gasket somehow and my Vespa sounded like a very loud Harley so I had to stop and fix it in Santa Rosa. Guys at Revolution Moto fixed that, replaced my rear brakes and cleaned and adjusted everything on my bike... it runs like new (or even better) :) Thank you so much for all your help!! It was so nice to visit a proper Vespa store with all the scooters and tons of scooter accessories!

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/250

It is pretty cold here, specially compare to +38C we had a couple of hours ago.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/320
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2012-03-09 21:08 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much!
2012-03-09 20:49 clippingimages: very innovative photography........
2010-09-03 08:40 Dawn : Sorry to hear about your bike... You should have bought the nice pink one in you photos!! Great pictures, enjoy SF its such a great city....
2010-09-03 05:30 Ekaterina: Tell me about being cold in SF:) I we thought that we didn't have a good summer! Go visit the crookedest street in the world - Lombard Street. It's awesome!

DAY 4: Today we rode for 408km... We are in California! Beautiful ride along the coast today! Tomorrow we should be in San Francisco!

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/60
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/160
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/8000
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DAY 3: Today we rode for 565km... Still in Oregon but about to cross to California :) As soon as we made it to the ocean, Tracy had to go and run in a freezing water under a pouring rain :) It has been raining for about half of the day today, I hope I can wake up tomorrow and start my day without having to put on all the rain gear. It will be very hard to beat riding Oregon coast during a very beautiful sunset, it was great!

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/400
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1250
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1250
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/640
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1250
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2010-09-01 23:30 Dawn : Great pics Sergei, they are wonderful, maybe add some of my daughter so I know she is well.....LOL Be SAFE!!!
2010-09-01 09:46 Tracy B!: LOVE the last pic :) Sorry you missed the sunset pics because I was busy talking :( I am having a blast on VACA with you!!!! Let's go to Cali!!!!

DAY 2: Today we rode for 927km! The weather finally improved :) Today was a big day of riding. Vespa is running great and we did many kilometres... we managed to make it all the way to Portland, Oregon. Three states in one day, so far so good!

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/640
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500
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2010-08-31 16:38 Ekaterina: This will be a trip to remember. What a great idea. Keep us posted and stay safe!
2010-08-31 08:30 Dawn: After all the warnings, begging and pleading your still calling it the US/Mexico trip....I am not very happy with either of you....I thought you were smarter than that,,,,BE SAFE

DAY 1: Total for today - 453km. Not a very pleasant ride today, it was poring rain, temperatures +7C and sometimes dropping to only +5C. Didn't take many photos, its not an easy thing to do when you all wet and cold :( We made it to Cranbrook, BC.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1600
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/800
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I am not alone in the Universe :) I parked with another Vespa earlier today at SAIT when I was doing some head shots. It's interesting how it makes you feel good to park close to the same vehicle as yours :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2000
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I did some riding around downtown Calgary today, exploring some urban photo locations for the future photo shoots. I found some nice ones. It is very easy to explore on my little Vespa, I can go pretty much anywhere and can stop almost everywhere :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/400
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A couple of Vespa accessories arrived earlier today :) I purchased a fly screen and a front rack for my scooter. After installing them I went for a little ride and it is great! What a difference the fly screen made, I can now ride relaxed on my longer/faster rides.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.2, 1/1250
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.2, 1/2000
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2011-05-28 21:57 runa: Love this bike.Want to buy this.
2010-08-25 08:12 Maple: Shouldn't you take more pictures of your lovely wife instead of your oter baby? hehehe
2010-08-18 21:07 Sergei Belski: I paid for a fast delivery ... but yes it took 3 days or something... awesome!
2010-08-18 09:20 Greggy Baby: Gee that came in record time. It probably would have taken another six months had you waited for Walt Healy to get you that stuff.
2010-08-17 16:13 Tracy B!: Wow, I think it actually looks better! A little more personality (not as much as the orange one, but still pretty good!)!

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