(SHOWING RESULTS 141 - 150 OF 179)

DAY 3: Well, we finally made it home from our adventures :) Tracy rode on the back of my scooter with me for more than 100km so that was awesome! From Fernie, BC we took a long way home... soaking in hot springs for a bit and having a wonderful day of riding. All together I rode 1,335 km on my scooter this trip and it is now officially my longest ride :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 400, F 5.6, 1/200
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 3.2, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/800

This is what our trip ended up looking like on the Google map :)

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DAY 2: Wow! What a day! My little Vespa finally made it to Montana, USA :) There are lots of highlights from this day such as riding in hail and pouring rain, riding through the fog, swimming in a very cold lake, etc. Unfortunately our trip had to be cut short, we couldn't find any place to stay overnight. We called every hotel in the nearest 4 or 5 towns and couldn't get anything :( ... so we drove through the night and made it to Fernie, BC where we were finally able to find a room.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 2, 1/2500
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 2, 1/5000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 2, 1/4000

The drive through Glacier National Park was unbelievable, for sure the best ride I did so far on my scooter! Riding there really reminded me of a documentary "Riding Solo on Top of the World".

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24 MM, ISO 100, F 4, 1/1000
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2010-08-08 10:03 Sergei Belski: This little scooter is awesome! It really can take you anywhere! If I had money and time I would for sure ride around the World on it :) Ekaterina: Yes every car or bike I owned I have the sticker on it... I like it :)
2010-08-07 11:56 Art Yochim: Sergei, Vespa really needs to put you on a retainer. Your Vespa adventures confirm how useful these machines are!
2010-08-07 09:19 Ekaterina: Beautiful photos, as always. I just noticed you placed the BY sticker on your Vespa, I gotta show it to Ivan, he'll love it;)

DAY 1: This morning Tracy and I and our friends Charmaine and Greg left for a road trip. Greg and I on our bikes and girls following in a car :) Great day of riding today, the weather was perfect and we made it to Waterton Lakes National Park.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24 MM, ISO 100, F 1.4, 1/8000

Tracy took this photo of Greg and I with our bikes, just outside of Waterton :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24 MM, ISO 100, F 1.4, 1/1600
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24 MM, ISO 100, F 1.4, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24 MM, ISO 400, F 1.4, 1/4000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24 MM, ISO 400, F 1.4, 1/1600
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24 MM, ISO 100, F 1.4, 1/250
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.2, 1/1250
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2010-08-08 10:06 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much! Katya, for sure drive to the US part of the park... the drive there is really really good! Maple: I put the flag on it just before this trip... thought I should represent Canada when I will be in US :)
2010-08-07 15:32 Maple: I like the Canadian flag on yer Vespa! Nice touch :)
2010-08-07 15:31 Maple: I see that Greg's 'up and adam'. Was he thinking..."GOD- I should have ordered a burger!" hehehehe
2010-08-07 09:18 Ekaterina: Great trip you guys had! It must have been fun to ride the scooter down there. I never think to head down to that area ( and we haven't since the engagement photoshoot that we had there with you) but we really should. Love the B&W of Tracy, it's beautiful and Tracy looks so calm and in the moment.
2010-08-06 09:03 Dawn: Great pictures Sergei, have a wonderful trip. Sure hope to see your everyday adventures.

Earlier this evening I had a family photo shoot just outside of Didsbury, Alberta. Family photographs coming soon, but for now here are a couple of shots I took of my scooter on my way home :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/640
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Earlier today I went for a little ride on my Vespa and spent some time around Calgary airport with my friend taking photographs of airplanes.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM + 1.4TC, ISO 100, F 4, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1600
calgary photographer airplane photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM + 1.4TC, ISO 100, F 4, 1/1250
calgary photographer airplane photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/800
calgary photographer airplane photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/1250
calgary photographer airplane photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 3.2, 1/1250
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2010-07-31 12:23 Maple: LOVE that shot of the deer poking his head up from the canola!! :) Sneeky Sergei!
2010-07-22 07:54 Greggy Baby: I think that guy in the blue jacket in much more cute than the deer. How about you hang a picture of him in your house. He looks like a HUNKA HUNKA BURNING LOVE! :P
2010-07-22 07:35 Tracy B!: OH MY-OH MY-OH MY, LOVE the 1st picture! How did you see that and catch that? Where? So Cool! How much do you charge to get it printed and canvas transfered for our house?
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.4, 1/640
calgary photographer airplane photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 400 MM, ISO 100, F 3.2, 1/5000
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2010-07-25 20:56 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much!!
2010-07-25 06:28 Ekaterina: I haven't visited the blog for a while. Lots of new stuff:) Looove the plane photo. The texture of the sky looks amazing!
2010-07-22 07:36 Tracy B!: Thanks for visiting us at our park! Yay for City of Calgary Adopt-A-Park!
2010-07-20 22:43 Sergei Belski: Greg, my airplane photo is so much better than yours :) We should go photograph together, maybe this week sometime after your work? Give me a call sometime :)
2010-07-20 22:37 Greggy Baby: Copy Cat! I like mine better :)

Enjoying our beautiful weather, scouting some locations for my future photo shoots.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/5000
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2010-11-20 11:11 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much! I don't have a notification list.. but I do post new photographs at least a couple of times a week, so just stop by here once in a while :)
2010-11-19 20:37 anneheim: I love your pictures! You can get people show their color. And for objects, you could really show their beauty. I'd like to have notifications on your new photographs, can I?
2010-11-19 20:34 miko: very nice photo shoot!! I am riding vespa too, but the old one, VBC & VBB
2010-07-30 23:36 Viktor: One more screen for Microsoft Windows Vespa (Canadian edition)!

I was on my way home from visiting my friend in a hospital (Vespa is great for parking!) when I saw this nice brick wall :) Hope you will feel better Greg!

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000
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I took a group photograph in Calgary downtown earlier today for Equinox Engineering Ltd. This was the second year when I took a group photograph for them, this time they had a smaller group of 78 people, where the last year's photograph was of 117 people.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 200, F 14, 1/250, STROBES

Of course I rode my Vespa to the photo shoot. One bad thing about loading it with all my camera equipment is that my gas tank is inside of my seat. When I have to fill it up, I have to unload pretty much everything... and of course I had to get gas this time.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON POWER SHOT SD870 IS, ISO 200, F 3.2, 1/40
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Beautiful day today! Took a quick photo of my scooter on my way home from a movie :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 4, 1/2000
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2011-03-08 14:45 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much!
2011-03-07 06:19 clippingimages: Excellent site.Thanks for this........
2010-07-30 23:29 Viktor: Excellent screen for Microsoft, if you send it them, maybe they call the next version Windows Vespa.
2010-07-07 08:47 Tracy B!: These clouds look gorgeous...can't stop staring at it...they just draw you in! Very calming--Thanks!

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