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calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1250
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2010-05-15 23:00 Sergei Belski: Maple: no I don't name my cars or scooters. I will come over sometime and he should buy one for sure, it will be great!
2010-05-15 16:25 Maple: Did you name your new Vespa? Or is it a girl thing? Looks pretty sharp! When are you going to ride over here and show it off? I know Sergey would LOVE to have one ;) Now look at what you have done- he always ask if he could get one b/c you have one- ;)
2010-05-13 13:50 Greggy_Baby: I think you should have picked up some of those frogs while you were there and placed them in your underseat storage!
2010-05-13 11:24 Sergei Belski: Doesn't make a difference to me... I will explore anything :)
2010-05-13 08:45 Tracy B!: Obviously impassable does not mean impossible ;)

I had to do some errands today, like buying some chocolate at Costco, etc :) Also had to deliver photographs to one of my clients in Cochrane. It was a wonderful day and I had lots of fun riding my scooter.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1600
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/6400

It was nice to visit this bridge again, one of my favourite wedding photographs was taken here. You can see the photo in my Wedding Galleries.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1600
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2010-05-12 06:23 April: Hey! I know that bridge! Of course the first time I was on it the thing was covered in snow and I was wearing a dress but good memories just the same :o)

Had a great time yesterday. Good company, good chicken wings, and a great ride to get there :) Busy day today, a couple of photo shoots and a meeting, better get started :)

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.2, 1/3200
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.2, 1/4000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.2, 1/2000
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2010-05-11 08:49 Sergei Belski: Thank you April!
2010-05-11 06:52 April: Congrats on the new Vespa!

As some of you already know, I upgraded my scooter. I got a 2009 Vespa GTS 250 and it is great! My longer trips should be much safer now :) Today the weather is not the best but I went out to scout some wedding locations around Airdrie and Calgary, and of course I stopped and took some photos of my new scooter.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1250
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/2000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1600
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/800
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500
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2010-05-07 15:09 Sergei Belski: Thank you Dawn! Yes orange is better for photographs and I loved the colour, but this one is much better to ride and I love it! Is it ok to be in love with a scooter? Hmm...
2010-05-07 07:30 Dawn : WOW... upgrade already... I have to say I liked your orange one better.... Congratulations!!!!

I did a bit of riding with my friend Greg this weekend. We rode in Airdrie, Calgary, and Cochrane, visiting different ice cream shoppes.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 50, F 2, 1/4000

Vespa and a friend :) My scooter together with Greg's Honda CBR 125.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.2, 1/1000
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/5000
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Dreaming of a better weather. Took this photo last week but didn't have a chance to post it.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 5, 1/1600
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2010-04-30 10:58 Tracy B!: YAY! This is totally my favorite Vespa picture of all! THANKS FOR POSTING IT!!!

For all of you, who follow my "Calgary Wedding Photographer Vespa Adventures", and everybody should... if you were wondering if I went out to do some riding in this crazy weather? Wonder no more, yes I did! I didn't go for a long ride, but some riding is better than none. Its good that I did it in the morning because weather in Airdrie and Calgary got much worse :(

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 3.2, 1/800
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.8, 1/1600
calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 3.2, 1/500
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2010-04-29 14:05 Sergei Belski: It was a wonderful ride, the weather wasn't as bad as some people think, and its totally fine for riding. Survival wasn't the goal, fun ride was :)
2010-04-29 13:16 Mark: Sergei, just because you survived it doesn't mean it was a good idea. :-p I like the top photo, though.
2010-04-29 12:22 Tracy B!: Yes, you accomplished something--SURVIVAL!
2010-04-29 10:32 Sergei Belski: Yes that is what they designed it for! Much more fun riding in this kind of weather, you feel like you accomplished something :)
2010-04-29 10:14 Kevan: You know you're insane right? ;-)
2010-04-29 09:13 Tracy B!: This is EXACTLY the purpose of this scooter, I am pretty sure this is what the makers always envisioned--NOT! Love the 1st snowy pic with the train car & scooter ;)

My friend Greg came over today and we went for a ride on our bikes. I can't stop taking photos of my Vespa, look at it, how can I, its so cute :)

calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/640
calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/100
calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/80
calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/60
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2010-04-26 19:47 Ekaterina: Aaaah! Orange!:)
2010-04-25 22:16 Greggy_Baby: I just noticed our reflection in the mailbox pic. You'll have to photoshop that out :)
2010-04-24 23:03 Sergei Belski: Yes I have been neglecting it a bit lately :( Its just much easier to stop and take a photo of this little thing! Hope I can get out on one of the rides with the MINI club!
2010-04-24 20:54 Trevor Z: But your MINI is feeling neglected :D
2010-04-24 08:51 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much!!
2010-04-24 08:31 JaY : We do enjoy watching the life of a little Orange scooter as it unfolds! All the GREAT new encounters it meets.

For the last three days Tracy and I have been taking a Scooter Training Course. It was great to play around with a bunch of different scooters, meet some nice people, and also it was wonderful to ride together with my wife! Today wasn't very pleasant, it was very cold, raining, and very windy. On our way home we even had some hail :(

calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 800, F 2.8, 1/50
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Busy day for me today! Rode my Vespa for more than 140km. I had to get some prints done in Calgary for my clients and some canvas prints for an art show, and of course a photo shoot for the AirdrieLIFE magazine.

calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 160, F 2.8, 1/320
calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/4000

This is one of the reasons I love my Vespa. I parked near a mall and soon after someone else parked their scooter right beside mine. It is the whole lifestyle thing :)

calgary photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/500

One photograph from today's photo shoot for AirdrieLIFE magazine.

AirdrieLIFE photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 50 MM, ISO 200, F 3.5, 1/800
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2010-04-20 21:09 Sergei Belski: I love it.. its very easy to stop and take a photo, so I'm sure I will have lots of photos :) I'm going to take some bride/groom photos on it some day later on :)
2010-04-20 17:13 Ekaterina: Looks like you really enjoy your Vespa, she gets a lot of camera attention too:) I love the two scooters shot, too funny!

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