(SHOWING RESULTS 31 - 40 OF 179)

DAY 8: Traveled 411km: I'm heading home... the long way round :) I'm riding North East.. First stop Whistler, than Kamloops, than Jasper :) Too bad it looks like it will be raining for the rest of my trip, it would be nice to see all these beautiful places in a nice weather.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 3.5, 1/3200
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CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/3200
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/320
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/250

Had to wear my rain gear all day today.. It was raining most of the time, at least it was a light rain.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 3.5, 1/2000

Today I had probably one of the best riding days in a long log while, the rad was full of nice turns and the views were spectacular!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 7.1, 1/400
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 4, 1/800
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 9, 1/200
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/1600
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 3.2, 1/1600
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 4.5, 1/800
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 9, 1/640
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DAY 7: Traveled 477km: I woke up early mooring and decided to ride North. I wasn't sure how far North I would go but that was the direction I was going. When I made my first stop I noticed that my bike was leaking oil from an air filter... I guess when it fell upside down a few days ago, the oil got into the air filter box. I cleaned it up a bit from the outside and hopefully it will be ok until I will get home to open it up and clean it all out.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 800, F 2.8, 1/4000
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/640

I didn't have breakfast this morning so I decided to stop and make myself an early lunch :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/4000
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 8, 1/500
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/4000

When I stopped for gas, I didn't notice that one of my straps fall onto my hot muffler and it burned off :( Luckily I had a few spare straps. Also you can see that for some reason my rear mud flap burned and melted a bit from all the high speed riding :(

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/250
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/250

I made it all the way to Campbell River, BC... I decided it was far enough and I needed to turn back around and start heading a long way home.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
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CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 8, 1/500
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/5000
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200

On my way back I took a faster route... it was a lot of nothing at 120 km/h... but I made a pretty good time :) Although because of the hight speed, and my scooter being loaded pretty heavy, and riding agains the wind.. my gas milage really suffered and I almost run out of gas.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500

Taking ferry back to Vancouver :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 5, 1/3200
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/400

Yours truly, hanging out on the ferry :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 4.5, 1/2500
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2014-08-31 23:00 Sergei Belski: Thank you Darby! :)
2014-08-31 21:46 Darby: I was just in Campbell River for. My honeymoon, but without my Vespa unfortunately. Just found your blog and I always get really excited to see Vespas on Vancouver Island (I've got a GT200). Happy travels!

DAY 6: Traveled 124km: After great breakfast this morning, as promised, I headed to catch a ferry to get to Victoria. It took me less than 5 minutes from the moment I bought the ticket to be already parked on the ferry. With motorbikes you get in front of everyone and I guess my timing was perfect :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 4.5, 1/4000

My baby is all secure. This was my first time on a ferry with my Vespa :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/320

I said good bye to Vancouver and started to look forward to Victoria.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/640
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/800

I finally made it to Victoria, BC! My fist time ever, and I'm happy to do it on my Vespa!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/800

Time to update my map of where I rode my Vespa :)

my vespa adventures photo
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 5.6, 1/2500

I was trying to get closer to get a photo of my bike with a big ship but I guess I got too close. This woman told me that I wasn't supposed to be there and kicked me out.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 4, 1/4000
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 4, 1/2500
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/4000

There is a bunch of these guys running around in front of my window where I'm staying for the night :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 800, F 2.8, 1/800
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2014-08-29 07:58 Charley chapman: Love these pictures. Memories are made by being out there making them. Great heritage for your family.

DAY 5: Traveled 114km: I made it to Vancouver! :) In the morning I decided to visit Vancouver Aquarium. The traffic in Vancouver was pretty bad but the views are fantastic! I really want to move here... anyone would like to sponsor me?

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200

I was trying to get close to one of the trees in the area and my rear tire slipped on some roots... I went down with the bike, luckily there was a men near by who helped me to get my heavy loaded bike back up. I'm all good and the bike has only a small scratch on the top case and a bend in my rear crash bar (I should be able to straighten them when I will get back to Calgary). These crash bars are so great for protecting your bike, really recommend them!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/320

I visited aquarium before but this time I thought it was pretty small, specially for the $34 (I didn't pay for parking)... I still enjoyed it of course!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 3200, F 2.8, 1/640

I can watch these for hours!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 4000, F 2.8, 1/400
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 5000, F 2.8, 1/125
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 4000, F 2.8, 1/125
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 5000, F 2.8, 1/800
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 6.3, 1/500

I made a quick stop at Vespa Vancouver, just to take a look what they had :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/500

From a recommendation of what to do in Vancouver I was told to visit a "clothes optional" beach.. so I did. Crazy busy, hundreds of people.. I was able to squeeze between cars in a prime parking spot! The beach is located on a bottom of the hill with 478 stairs (yes I counted)... Did I tell you how much I dislike stairs?!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 4, 1/320

For the night I'm staying with my college friend, who was very kind to give up his bed for me and provided a great dinner! We had a nice relaxing swim in the pool and I was promised a breakfast tomorrow morning :)

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DAY 4: Traveled 538km: Tracy and Oliver went back home and I'm on the road heading West again :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/2500

Areas around Vernon, Kelowna, and Penticton are so beautiful! This was my view riding for the first half of the day... very nice scenery, beautiful ride.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/640
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1250
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1250
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/320
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/400

This trip is unofficially sponsored by Petro Canada... before the trip I got a few gift cards with my Petro Points, so this way I don't have to pay for gas and can get some food.. so far it is working out great!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/250
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/125

I'm doing this trip on a budget so I wanted to find a cheap place to stay when possible. My friend recommended to try website... so I booked this place in Surrey, BC and it is great! Check out this nice yard I have at my disposal :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 800, F 2.8, 1/250
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DAY 3: Traveled 36km: Last day of camping. Very relaxing morning at the lake and than just relaxing at our campsite :) Tomorrow I should be back on the road, heading West once again!

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5, 1/1000
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/1000
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 250, F 2.8, 1/1250

I really hope its just a phase... Oliver is refuses to touch sand with his feet... He is good with playing with sand but would not even touch it with his feet. Hope it will change soon.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 250, F 2.8, 1/2000
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1250

This was my view earlier today, while Oliver was napping... I was reading my book in a shade and relaxing :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200

If you thought for a minute that I will abandon my cooking... you were wrong.. Cooking a nice dinner :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/500
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DAY 2: Traveled 24km: Camping with my family... Oliver loves my Vespa!! I see him driving one soon enough :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/1250
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/1000

In the morning I headed to the beach for a nice swim... water was pretty cold but when you get in it wasn't bad :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/2500
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/5000
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/1600

Wedding time! Oliver is looking stylish for his first wedding :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/2500
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/1600
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/8000
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 800, F 2.8, 1/640
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DAY 1: Traveled 604km: What a rainy rainy ride all the way to Lake Louise, I tell you, trying to pass a lorry on a motorway during rain is not as easy as it sounds :) Today was a pretty much "get to the camp site" day.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000

Look at me all happy in the rain :) I had all my Tucano Urbano rain gear on and stayed completely dry. I love Tucano Urbano and I have so much of their stuff for my Vespa.. they should really sponsor me! :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1000
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/2500

The sun was shining in Revelstoke when I arrived so I was happy and took all my rain gear off... After I rode for 5 minutes, I totally regretted my decision when it started to pour on me and I had to quickly put all my gear back on. I finally made it to the lake where I'm meeting my family and we are camping for a few days! :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/1250
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 5.6, 1/1000

Time to setup camp and cook some food :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/320
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/500
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 5.6, 1/200
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Tomorrow I'm on my way for a little adventure with my Vespa. I'm heading to Vernon, BC for a wedding and will meet there with my family for a few days of camping. Than I'm off to Vancouver and Victoria and to ride and explore Canadian West :) I dont know if this was the smartest idea that I ever had, but I just did a full service on my Vespa all by myself for the first time. Scooter seems to be working so I hope I will make it :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/800

As you can see by the grooves, I only have 2 speeds on my bike... full throttle and idle :) I replaced these at this service.

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/500
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2014-08-21 11:32 SonjaM: Enjoy your trip and bring back some nice photos.

Last night I had a family photo shoot around Cremona, AB so naturally I rode there on my Vespa :) Well on my way back I got in some hail and this is the view right after I got out of it. Still a very nice ride. Can anyone see the latest addition to my Vespa? :)

my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 800, F 4, 1/8000
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CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
my vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D X, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/400
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2014-08-21 11:29 SonjaM: Wow, it does look like there is a tornado funnel forming.

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