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Spent my day with Tracy and a couple of our friends... we visited Discovery Wildlife Park in Innisfail, AB.

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/640
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 50, F 3.2, 1/200
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/400
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vespa adventures sergei belski photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2000
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2012-07-03 01:00 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much! I never thought about it, I just hide my phone away when its rains... I maybe will take a look at a waterproof case for iPhone 5, when that will come out :)
2012-07-02 10:18 SonjaM: I am glad you're back. Missed your pictures. I notice that your Iphone goes unprotected on the mount. Have you considered the waterproof tough case fitting the RAM mounting system?
2012-07-01 20:58 Vita: first pic is so cool!

Yesterday I decided that today will be the day to do an epic day trip on my LittleGuy. Here are some of the photos I took while riding. I did 266 km in total, it doesn't sounds like much, but it did take me five and a half hours.. I guess I stopped for photos too much :)

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 3.2, 1/3200
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 11, 1/160

I charged all my batteries and took many accessories for my GoPro camera but I forgot the most important attachment, the one that connects camera to my helmet :( So I only used the camera a couple of times, attached with a suction cup right on the front of my Vespa.

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GOPRO, 2.5 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2422

"Road Closed"... Not the sign I wanted to see. This is a seasonal road and I did make a mistake not to check when its open, if I remember correctly, its closed till May 15th. My epic road trip was cut short, I had to turn around and head back :( I still had fun and had a wonderful ride.

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/2500
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 6.3, 1/125
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 400, F 11, 1/1000

Here is a map of the way my trip worked out.

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2012-05-18 16:03 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much!
2012-05-18 14:56 SonjaM: Too bad, the road wasn't yet open for season. But... gives you something to do for next time. Have a great riding season.
2012-05-18 05:51 Matthew M: beautiful shots! such a great feel to all of them. the scenery doesn't hurt either... i want a vespa now.
2012-05-08 19:26 Tracy B!: Love the pics--glad you got to go out (even if the road was still closed!) Love the GoPro pic and the horses in the watered-out field!

I had a fun photo shoot this morning with guys from Destination Cycles, here in Airdrie for AirdrieLIFE magazine. My all-time favourite motorcycle is Ural with the sidecar so it was great to photograph the dealership that sells them! Hopefully one day Tracy would allow me to buy one of these great bikes :)

airdrielife magazine sergei belski photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 500, F 5, 1/640

Lately I have been riding my Vespa lots, to all of my photo shoots and more. This morning we had a bit of a fog so I decided to stop for a quick photo at one of the places I know, I think its one of my favourite shots of my LittleGuy so far :)

vespa adventures sergei belski photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 640, F 5, 1/1250
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2012-05-03 12:54 bobskoot: <b>Sergei:</b> I agree, forget about the Ural . . . you don't need another full time job keeping it running excellent photos, as usual. bob <a href="">Riding the Wet Coast</a> <a href="">My Flickr</a> // <a href="">My YouTube</a>
2012-04-25 11:55 Tracy B!: Ummmmm...NO to the Ural...not until your mid-life crisis anyways! And the scooter shot looks like a scene from a creepy movie or something!!!

I had a great ride this morning with a couple of my friends. We didn't stop very much so I only have one image to show.

vespa adventures sergei belski photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 4, 1/5000
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On Saturday I did a little day trip on my Vespa to Drumheller, AB. I mostly ride by myself but it was good to do this trip with my friend Greg and his BMW motorcycle. It was wonderful to have Tracy with us and she followed in her car... but unfortunately non of the photos of her car made it into the blog post.

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/1600
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GOPRO, 2.5 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1837

The ride to Drumheller from Airdrie is pretty boring, there is nothing really to see on the way, but when you do get there you can see some interesting landscapes.

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/1000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/1600
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/2000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 4, 1/2500

Our goal was to visit Last Chance Sallon, unfortunately when we arrived there we found out that it was closed. It was a pretty interesting road to get there, full of bridges and interesting landscapes, made it for a nice ride anyway :)

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GOPRO, 2.5 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1878
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 7.1, 1/500

We stopped to see some hoodoos, too bad that they are building a bunch of metal pathways and viewing platforms. I guess it's good to preserve the hoodoos but now it makes it hard to take natural photos without metal constructions getting in the way. While there it was funny that a little boy called Greg a "Power Ranger" seeing his bright jacket and helmet :)

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 4, 1/640
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 3.5, 1/3200

I don't know if it was very windy or what, but my LittleGuy went though lots of fuel to get there and back, so my gas milage wasn't that great. Still, it was a great ride and I can't wait to do more :)

vespa adventures sergei belski photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 3.2, 1/1600
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2012-04-13 19:39 SonjaM: Sometimes I miss the prairies. Especially the area around Drumheller and Dinosaur provincial park. I hope you will get some more opportunities to ride out this year.
2012-04-02 10:30 Greggy_Baby: Lets stop Rita Repulsa and recall the Ulitimate Super Powered Megazord! I would totally pass for a policeman if we were in Europe!

This morning I spent a few hours hanging around with Apocalypse Scooter Club of Calgary. Old Motorcycle Shop kindly agreed to open their doors to the club with 3 empty benches and a qualified and experienced mechanic on hand for us to do some repairs on our scooters if we needed. I didn't have anything to fix but was happy to hang out and see how (much more experienced) people worked on their scooters, so maybe I would learn something :)

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/250
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/200
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 2.8, 1/800
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/320
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/80
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/200
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2012-03-25 19:43 Maple: Looked like fun!

Today I pretty much spent the whole day at a motorcycle shop. I had an appointment to replace a coolant hose on my Vespa and it took much longer than I thought. On my way home the weather was so nice, I took a long way home :)

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 3.5, 1/1000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 3.5, 1/200
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 3.2, 1/2500

I enjoy having a GPS on my phone, I think it will come in handy on my long travels :) I will have to readjust the position of it but I think its working great!

vespa adventures sergei belski photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 6.3, 1/400
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2012-03-28 23:40 Sergei Belski: They are not coming back fast enough here in Calgary! :) Thank you!
2012-03-28 13:25 wedding photographer toronto: the vespas are coming back, love the color! Nice photography! cheers
2012-03-24 20:46 SonjaM: Blackfoot... my favourite store, left a lot of money there when I lived in Calgary... Please don't abandon your Vespa any time soon... no other motorcycle will apear as elegant and as esthetic as your red beauty on photos.
2012-03-16 11:53 Sergei Belski: You know that that is the only place to park for service there :) I really don't see a BMW bike in my future, but I guess who knows. I like Italian bikes, maybe one day would have Aprilia Mana... and of course would love to have Ural bike with the sidecar :)
2012-03-16 10:25 Greggy_Baby: I see you parked under the BMW Motorrad sign. This must mean that you understand BMW motorcycles rule the world.

I'm working on a project for Fortis Alberta where I'm taking some photographs of the power lines. Earlier today I went out for a nice ride on my scooter, mixing some business and pleasure :)

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 6.3, 1/1000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 200, F 3.2, 1/2000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 200, F 3.2, 1/3200
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My scooter parked at Mount Royal University while I photographed some badminton earlier today.

vespa adventures sergei belski photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 400, F 3.5, 1/2500
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I was sitting and editing photographs when I saw some fresh snow... I decided to take a quick break from working and to go for a short ride on my scooter.

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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 4, 1/640
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 4, 1/1000
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CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 400, F 2.8, 1/1600
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2012-02-17 12:17 Sergei Belski: Thank you! Truck happened to be there :) Yes Mini is my car, I don't use it as much because of my Vespa :)
2012-02-16 19:41 SonjaM: The first one is picture perfect in red and white. How did you arrange for the truck in the background? I take a guess that the Mini is your's or the spouse's...

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