I miss my Vespa Adventures, hopefully my scooter will be back from repairs soon! You can see more photographs in my Vespa Adventures Category.

calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo
calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo
calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo
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2011-03-25 17:49 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much for your nice comments!
2011-03-24 20:51 Akarin: Thanks for sharing these adventures. Lovely photos.
2011-02-22 21:13 Vita: Sergei, this pics are amazing!!!! It's like u r taking pictures of your baby. They r all very beautiful.............love the one with the wild flowers the best too, like Tracy...miss u guys...when am I going to be an anty???:)
2011-02-22 15:19 Tracy B!: Wow, this makes me miss your Vespa too even! Which ones did you get printed? Can you print the one with the sunlight and weeds/flowers if you didn't already print?!