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sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 3.5, 1/1250
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2011-04-29 10:43 Sergei Belski: Finally! :) At least its not sticking to the ground so I'm ok with riding in that, but hopefully we will have some nicer weather soon :)
2011-04-29 09:34 Greggy Baby: Well I finally got my motorcycle out of the backyard and have been parking out front. Topped of the gas and even drove it to the aquasize class....oh hang on it is snowing again! Gee that was just shocking! Well back to the car I guess.

Beautiful day today! I was riding my Vespa to all of my photo shoots and than rode it to play soccer in the evening. I took this photo on my way home from the soccer game :)

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 800, F 2.8, 1/640
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Earlier today I had an appointment with my accountant to finish my taxes. What is a better way to get there than by riding my Vespa :) I had a great ride and was thinking of taking some more photographs on my way home but it had to be cut short because it was snowing too much... not the best riding weather we are having this year :(

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200

On my way home I reached an interesting milestone on my scooter... 666 km, so I stoped and took a photo of my dashboard :)

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/1600
sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 2.8, 1/3200
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2011-04-15 17:58 Sergei Belski: Hi Steve, Thank you very much for your comment! I do have both 250 and 300.. My 250 is in repairs for more than 6 month now and I needed something to ride so I got 300 :) I love your blog and check it every day! Yes for sure you can use any photos of my Vespa Adventures on your blog. Let me know if you would like a different size or anything.
2011-04-15 17:26 Steve Williams: Sergei, Beautiful work and looks like you've had quite the adventures on your two Vespa scooters. You have a GTS 250 and a GTS 300? I'd like to make a post on Scooter in the Sticks about your riding and photography. Could I use a couple of your pictures in that post? Looking forward to future posts! Steve

Rode my Vespa to a photo shoot earlier today, 125 km round trip. On my way there I almost ran out of fuel... I made it to a gas station, but pretty much on fumes. I still don't really know how many kilometres I can drive on a tank of gas with this scooter.

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 4, 1/640
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2011-04-06 21:27 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much Jan! :)
2011-04-06 21:17 Jan : I Love it ! What a great pic. Best regards from germany. Jan

Weather is still great and I love riding, can't wait for some longer trips! Here are some shots from today :)

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/640
sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 3.5, 1/1000

The main roads are in a great condition but stopping on smaller range roads could be a challenge, still some snow and lots of mud. Also harder to take photos from different angles because laying in the mud is not really an option for me :)

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 5, 1/1000
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2011-04-07 23:44 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much! Yes its great! This winter was toooo long :)
2011-04-07 04:24 Fredrik: Nice angle! I'ts so great to be able to ride again. This winter was a killer.
2011-03-30 20:28 Tracy B!: Love the last pic! The blue sky is so vibrant and tells me that Spring is coming!!!

Finally we had some nice weather here :) I spent some time working on my scooter, installing crash bars and V12 power plug and than went for a nice ride :)

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 70-200 MM, ISO 100, F 3.5, 1/1000
sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 16-35 MM, ISO 100, F 5.6, 1/640
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2011-03-29 18:42 Sergei Belski: Thank you Art! Yes this is my new Vespa, hopefully we will not have too much snow :)
2011-03-29 18:35 Art Yochim: Ah, the Vespa adventures continue. Looking forward to your latest escapades. That the new Vespa?

Is it me or is it very windy today? Very nice day for a ride today but I had to struggle with the wind too much. As you can see from the first photo, its not very easy to stop for photos, still too much mud, water, and snow on the side of the road.

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 3.5, 1/1000
sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 11, 1/400
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2011-03-15 17:25 Sergei Belski: Eric - I personally really like Orange, but Red is very nice for photographs as well :)
2011-03-15 17:22 Eric: He is right about the color. My red Super will be in Friday.
2011-03-15 13:58 Sergei Belski: Oh Greg, There will never be nice enough weather for you to ride, you live in Canada just accept this weather. How about we do a ride together sometime next week?
2011-03-15 12:08 Greggy Baby: Good to see you finally realized that red is the only way to go when it comes to motorized two wheelers, even if it took you 3 tries:) Still too much snow for me to even get my Honda out of the back yard. Think I will wait till the weather is warmer and the gravel has been cleaned off the roads. I started it mine up and reved the engine on the weekend so I am good for awhile.
2011-03-14 17:03 Tracy B!: LOVE the first pic, cute man in the mirror!!

It have been a very long time but I'm finally riding again!! My silver scooter is in repairs, getting fixed under warranty but it is taking a very long time. I took it in early October and looks like it will not be fixed for another couple of months... I couldn't wait that long :( Today I picked up a brand new Red 2010 Vespa GTS Super from Blackfoot Motosports. What a great shopping experience, I really recommend them if you are looking to buy a motorcycle! On my way home I only stopped once for a photo, because it was way too cold (-13C). Lets the Red Vespa adventures begin!

sergei belski photographer vespa adventures photo
CANON 1D MARK IV, 24-70 MM, ISO 100, F 4.5, 1/400
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2011-03-12 19:35 Sergei Belski: Giving scooter tours is a great idea, I should get on it :) Linda, Tracy can ride anytime she wants but doesn't look like she likes riding.
2011-03-12 15:18 linda: is this one for tracy??????
2011-03-12 10:00 Tracy B!: Yeah right...there will be no biker momma happening!!! But once he has 2 he will be able to offer local scooter tours ;) You can be his first client!
2011-03-12 09:43 Brett: You are a nut job, what will you do when you have both? Is this how Tracy becomes a biker momma? Nice Pic, by the way. Look for to see what kind of trouble the "Red Baron" will get you into. BC

I miss my Vespa Adventures, hopefully my scooter will be back from repairs soon! You can see more photographs in my Vespa Adventures Category.

calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo
calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo
calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo calgary travel photographer vespa adventures photo
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2011-03-25 17:49 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much for your nice comments!
2011-03-24 20:51 Akarin: Thanks for sharing these adventures. Lovely photos.
2011-02-22 21:13 Vita: Sergei, this pics are amazing!!!! It's like u r taking pictures of your baby. They r all very the one with the wild flowers the best too, like Tracy...miss u guys...when am I going to be an anty???:)
2011-02-22 15:19 Tracy B!: Wow, this makes me miss your Vespa too even! Which ones did you get printed? Can you print the one with the sunlight and weeds/flowers if you didn't already print?!

I didn't post any Vespa photographs for a while, but it doesn't mean I'm not riding it :) I thought I would post a photo of my scooter, loaded with some of my photo equipment that I took with me to do photographs at Mount Royal University.

calgary wedding photographer vespa photo
CANON 1D MARK III, 50 MM, ISO 100, F 1.8, 1/250
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2010-09-30 12:55 Sergei Belski: Yes, tried to stop for a photo, and was going to fast. Locked my front wheel on a gravel and fell :(
2010-09-30 04:19 Fredrik: Creative! Nasty dents you got there. Did you fall?

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