I just came back from taking some photographs of Lindsey and Jeremy's wedding rehearsal, whose wedding I will photograph this Saturday.

CANON 1D MARK III, 70-200 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/50

CANON 1D MARK III, 70-200 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/60

CANON 1D MARK III, 70-200 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/60

CANON 1D MARK III, 70-200 MM, ISO 1600, F 2.8, 1/50

CANON 1D MARK III, 70-200 MM, ISO 3200, F 2.8, 1/80
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2009-06-01 15:27 Sergei Belski: Thank you very much Cheryl! You guys made my day very easy!
2009-06-01 10:43 Cheryl: Sergei thank you for the wonderful day .I didn't think my daughter could be more beautiful than she is but your pictures made her gorgeous. Jeremy looks pretty good too. Thank you again. Mother of the Bride
2009-05-29 12:10 Tracy: The pic of the twins reading the bibles or hymns is pretty darn cute! I bet you will have cute pics of them all dolled-up on the wedding day!